Sunday, July 26, 2009

First royal plans

Right after the memorable royal visit in March 2009, all three kingdoms got heavily involved in planning of the mission. The Czars had to agree on issues such as:
  • Time-frame and duration of the mission
  • Code name of the mission
  • Amount of taxes paid by their peasants that should be utilized for the mission
  • Steps to be taken to tackle the unfriendly border bandits of the kingdom of Rossiya
  • Means of communication with their vassals during their absence
  • And some other...
Since czar Hudyslav Bonegovich has been trying to enhance the power of his empire, czar Martin Madonovich is on a trade mission in the far kingdom of India and czar Zdenik Fredovich has been preparing the grounds for the reunion, all communication has been done mostly through e-pigeons.
Nowadays, at the end of July 2009, the Czars have decided on a concrete course of their mission - starting in a village Москва (Moscow), continuing with trans-siberian horse train through Екатеринбург (Ekaterinburg) to Новосибирск (Novosibirsk). They plan to hire a group of donkeys there and continue through the territory of herdsmen called Mongolia to the magnificent Озеро Байкал (Lake Baikal). With the help of local magicians, they intend to be transferred through the air back to their starting location.
The royal gardener has eternalized the first draft the following way:

There are still various saboteurs to be eliminated.

So let's cross our fingers!

Long live the Czars! :)

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